Sunday, March 23, 2008

Come to church with me this morning...

I wish you could be with me this beautiful morning. So picture it in your mind, and come with me. It is in a clean, small, hot church. Everyone is kissing me, genuinely glad to see me. And I am glad to see them. We can't open the windows today because last week the neighbors complained that we were too loud. So we bring in the fans.

I am playing piano this Easter morning at church in Peru. I am missing home today, but glad to be part of the service. Playing piano is a strange mix of feeling back in my comfort zone, and at the same time unsure of myself here in this country, where the words are so different to my ears.

I am trying to understand the sermon. It is about the Resurrection. I kind of follow it, but it takes so much concentration. And I'm feeling a bit under the weather today. Oh dear, I missed that scripture reference. Where are we? Lord, help to learn Spanish. Thank You for your resurrection.

The offering basket goes by, and I'm watching people give what they have to Jesus. Roxy is giving her testimony, and I'm cheering her on. Now 2 young people are giving testimonies from the youth retreat this past week, and I'm wondering if I'm making a difference here. I'm wondering what more I can be doing. I'm praying for the Holy Spirit to flow through me. Why can't I understand more Spanish? What are they saying?

It is getting hotter and hotter as the service continues, and I'm living more and more for the seconds when the fan points to me. 10 seconds to rotate, 2 seconds on me. 10 seconds off, 2 seconds on. I am wondering if I can sneak out and get some water. Nope, that won't work. The door is behind the pulpit. This is ridiculous. I feel like a little kid fidgeting in church. Sarah, pay attention. And then it's finished.

And I think of another time when those words were said..."It is finished..." And I praise my Jesus for His sacrifice for me, for us. That He would come to earth as a baby, die on the cross for our sins, and rise again--how can that be? What kind of love is that from the God of the universe?
Happy Easter! He is risen indeed!

1 comment:

AKH said...

Oh Sarah. How I miss you. But I know that you guys are doing what God wants you to do. He is using to build His Kingdom, remember that always.
Miss you.
Mucho amor.