Wednesday, March 12, 2008


OK, I have learned since being here that being a missionary doesn't always look how I imagined it. But I did not know that kickboxing would be part of my training here. Otto, our host missionary, really wanted us to accompany him to the gym every morning, so today was our first day and we did some kickboxing. (I have to say, I definitely enjoyed it.) He says that we need to be in good shape for our trip up north in May. And after thinking about it, I thought, yeah, a missionary should be in good shape. So I'm kickboxing.

I am getting more involved with the church and building relationships with people. This is a picture of Lisa, myself, and our host mom, Angelita learning to make jewelery with one of the ladies from the church. I gave my testimony in church on Sunday in Spanish (it was translated for me), and everyone was thrilled. Then yesterday we spent some time playing guitar at the park, and playing with some kids there. We met a woman selling jewelry, so we invited her to English classes, showed her where the church was, and she came! Someone there invited her to church on Sunday, and she said she would also come to that. And for me, it was a great moment.

I am totally bonding with my host family here. Jano (pronounced Hano) and his wife Angelita (little angel) are the pastors here. They live upstairs with 2 of their daughters, and we live downstairs, behind the church. They have made us feel so welcomed and loved here, even asking us to call them mami and pappi. Very affectionate. I feel so honored to live and work and love with them. Some people here are calling me Sarita (like little Sarah, very affectionate term), and I love it. I feel like I could fit in here.

So I'm where God wants me for this time. I love walking with Him on the path that He carves out for me, and I pray that same blessing for you.

Lots of love,


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