Friday, March 7, 2008

Kissing and starving

I arrived in Lima, Peru this week. And so far, we've done a lot of kissing. I know, kissing sounds a bit sketchy for a nice missionary girl like myself, but the traditional Peruvian greeting is a kiss on the cheek. Takes a bit of getting used to, but it is very warm and friendly and I like it (usually). And as far as starving...well, we had a bit of a problem with our budget, so we were not really eating a whole lot. Enough to eat three meals a day, but not enough to be full. But we found the problem and now we have plenty of money and food. But it was kind of a good experience. How many people in the world go to bed hungry?

Okay, and is everyone praying for me to learn Spanish, or what? Because I'm learning like a Spanish machine!! Yay! Next week we'll start Spanish lessons, which will be good.

I was reading the story in John 9 about when Jesus heals a blind man. When people ask him how his eyes were opened, he says that it was a man called Jesus. I love that, a man called Jesus. So that's what I've been praying--for you, for me, for my team, and for Peru--that we would encounter a man called Jesus. Everywhere we go, each day, we would meet Him where we're at.

Anyways, it's been a great first week! We saw a bit of the city, so here's a few pictures of us, at the ocean and at the catacombs (a graveyard under a church). Do you like the bones?!


Unknown said...

Hey Sarah! this is Stacy--from Jornada?! I just want you to know I'm going to regularaly look up your blog to see what all you're up to and to PRAY for you and your team! Love you girl, and keep on serving!!

Daniela said...

Hey Sarahh!!!! mi nobre es Daniela Velásquez, soy peruana y estoy orando mucho por todo el grupo nuevo de trek q va a estar trabajndo en Peru!!!te a seguro que va ser una experincia super cheveree!!!! y espero mantenerme en contacto contigo. En la iglesia de Lima todos me conocenn!!! puedes preguntar a jaquita por mi!! y espero q nos mantengamos en contacto por mail y te voy a estar ayudando con tu español!!!